CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW for this FREE face to face event!
WHEN: SAT 19TH OF FEB, 10.30am - 1pm WHERE: The Memo, 235 Maroondah H'Way, Healesville Featuring five speakers as well as 6 electric vehicles on display, with their enthusiastic owners ready to introduce you to them. Our keynote speaker, Bryce Gaton, will provide a broad overview of how we can change to EV’s. Learn about the latest developments in the renewable energy transport field, costs associated with EVs, recharging information; distance between recharges, charging stations and more!
The event will also see the launch of a Community EV Bulk Buy! The Yarra Valley Community Power Hub and Healesville CoRE have partnered with the Good Car Company, importers of second hand electric vehicles from Japan, making them available to community groups within Australia at really affordable prices. The Manager of the Good Car Company, Anton Vikstrom, will explain how residents of the Greater Yarra Valley and Ranges can participate in the Bulk Buy! To bring more attention to how we in the Yarra Valley and Ranges region can transition to EV’s, the YV-CPHub and Healesville CORE will be hosting this event supported by Yarra Ranges Council and Sustainability Victoria. Live at the Memo in Healesville!
Registrations are essential! |