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Active Energy Precincts Project

Yarra Ranges Council is collaborating with Monash University on their Active Energy Precincts Project, conducting a feasibility study on using microgrids, or localised electricity grids, in Yarra Junction and Healesville. Monash University is using their microgrid, smart energy, storage and commercial expertise to help these two communities in the Yarra Ranges, alongside others in Surf Coast and Wodonga local government areas.

The pilot microgrid ‘hubs’ for these two communities have been centred around council-owned facilities that can be activated as recovery centres following extreme weather – the Yarra Centre in Yarra Junction, and The Memo & Healesville Link in Healesville. Community input into the study has been a priority so far, with residents and small businesses contributing to a survey in early 2022. Meetings with larger stakeholders and workshops for community representatives, including Healesville Core, were run in late 2022. A final public facing feasibility report was produced in May 2023, summarising key learnings and identifying next steps.

Read more about YRC’s microgrid projects here, and sign up for newsletter updates here. Please contact Amy Gregorovich, Energy Resilient Communities Officer, for more information via