On 28 April 2018, Healesville CoRE arranged presentations for the community about Solar Electricity Production & Storage. The event was extremely well attended and 98 local community people listened to the presenters and interacted with questions and comment.
The following subjects were presented to the audience. The slide packs that were used by Nick. Glen and Julian in their talks can be obtained by clicking on the appropriate section below
- Energy Efficiency in the home by Nick Seymour. Nick has been studying Environmental Engineering and Economics at Monash University for the past 5 years. He is working with another Monash Uni student and they are preparing a Sustainable Energy Report for Healesville.
- Different parts of a Solar System by Glen Morris. Glen has been installing renewable energy systems both on and off-grid for over 20 years. He has been a renewable energy system auditor for both the Clean Energy Council and the New Zealand Government
- Yarra Ranges Council involvement in Renewable Energy initiatives by Julian Guess. Julian is the Sustainability Project Officer with the Yarra Ranges Council. He is responsible for leading Council’s community renewable energy initiatives.
- Rosanna Miguel. Rosanna is Branch Manager of the Healesville Community Bank®. She explained how the bank can help with the finance of a new Solar System as part of the energy-saving program launched by Bendigo Bank’s Generation Green initiative.
The questionnaires completed by attendees at the end of the presentation were very positive and they indicated the value of this talk for the community.
This was a very successful event by Healesville CoRE.