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Benefits for the Environment and for Landlords and for Tenants

On Saturday 26 May 2018, Healesville CoRE facilitated an event entitled “Solar Energy for Landlords and Tenants”. Bjorn Sturmberg (SunTenants) gave the keynote talk and explained how tenants and landlords can benefit financially by using newly developed technology to measure energy provided from solar panels.… Read More »Benefits for the Environment and for Landlords and for Tenants

Congratulations Healesville for attending the “Electricity Production & Storage” event on 28 April 2018

On 28 April 2018, Healesville CoRE arranged presentations for the community about Solar Electricity Production & Storage. The event was extremely well attended and 98 local community people listened to the presenters and interacted with questions and comment. The following subjects were presented to the… Read More »Congratulations Healesville for attending the “Electricity Production & Storage” event on 28 April 2018

A productive Workshop on 24 March 2018 keeps Healesville CoRE moving forward for the community

Fifteen Healesville CoRE representatives attended a “Community Solar Models & Legals Workshop” on Sat 24 March 2018. The prime deliverable from this workshop was to establish the most appropriate model for the Healesville community and develop an action plan to take the project forward. A… Read More »A productive Workshop on 24 March 2018 keeps Healesville CoRE moving forward for the community

An Inconvenient Sequel

Healesville CoRE in conjunction with Yarra Glenergy and HEWI is proud to present Al Gore’s follow-up documentary: An Inconvenient Sequel. Truth to Power. Showing at Healesville Memo on November 23rd at 730pm. Tickets are available now.